Sunday, July 5, 2015

Social Networking

In class, we are reading a textbook called Networked By Lee Rainie and Barry Wellman. Even if you're not a Web 2.0 student, I would still strongly recommend reading the book if you have an interest in Social Media or Web 2.0.
The first chapter talked about a man named Peter taking care of his wife, Trudy, after a slip and fall that required a surgery on her head. He shared some pictures with his friends who then promptly shared it with their friends across America. As result, Peter received an outpouring support for the situation that he and his wife were in.

Although luckily, none of my close friends or family members ever needed an emergency surgery. But I resonated with situation. Two of my best friends from high school live in Gainesville and Orlando, respectively and as result, it is very difficult to keep in touch with them. However, using Facebook chat and Skype conference I was able to have their support in my life without them being physically by my side.
While this kind of support is a much smaller scale compared to Peter and Trudy, it definitely does not mean it's any less important. The advice and love I receive from my best friends is such an important aspect of my life.


  1. Hi Deviyani,
    You are right - technology is of great use for staying connected with people you love. Being 7000 miles away from my home, I am so thankful for the opportunity to talk to my mom everyday. I miss our sensory contact, but the fact that contemporary social tools allow me to see her is invaluable.

  2. Agree! And for was last year. I met some amazing people at the conference and were able to keep in touch through Facebook. Social media tools also help us to make new friends easily!
